Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular Activities
After-school programs and extracurricular activities provide a richer environment to help students learn and grow. At South Avondale School, students have access to a variety of programs and activities to explore their interests.
If there are changes in the after-school plans for your child, please discuss these changes with your child before school. When you call school with these changes, it interrupts the learning process of your child as well as that of the entire class. Of course, we understand there will be emergencies when you must call the school to leave a message for your child, but when possible, make these plans before school. Students are not allowed to use the telephone unless it is an emergency.
After-School Programs
The Cincinnati Recreation Commission (CRC) provides a highly structured afterschool program focused on academic and social development.
Meeting Time: Monday-Friday, 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location: South Avondale School cafeteria
Contact (513) 352-4000
Please feel free to visit their website for further information
Cincinnati Police Female Mentoring Program
South Avondale partners with District 4 Police Station to provide female mentoring to a limited number of grade 6 females. Each female is assigned to a District 4 female police officer and participates in one-to-one mentoring as well as a number of activities outside of South Avondale School.
Contact: Call the school at (513) 363-5500.
M2SE is a program dedicated to significantly increasing the number of students of color who are motivated, and prepared, to enter mathematics, science, engineering, and technology career fields. We believe that early and continued support for students and families is critical to sustaining the pipeline of math, science, and engineering students, providing state-of-the-art math, science, and engineering knowledge, hands -on applications, and direct involvement through the education process. M2SE students receive math/science enrichment through after-school programs, whole school programs, mentoring from industry professionals and hands-on experience in intensive summer programs and design projects.
Contact: Mrs. Charmaine Morton
Tutoring is available on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-4:00, in the areas of Reading and Math.
Contact: Ingrid Sandidge, Assistance Resource Coordinator, at (513) 363-5530.
Avondale Youth Orchestra
The Cincinnati Outreach Music Project or COR Music Project, is an educational school and community outreach program aimed at promoting diversity in classical music by providing high quality music instruction to young people in Cincinnati while eliminating obstacles related to access and affordability. As part of COR, the Avondale Youth Orchestra (AYO) provides a youth orchestra experience for students at South Avondale Elementary. Meeting five days a week after school, the AYO gives students in grades 4-6 the opportunity to learn violin, viola and cello, all while playing together as a group.
Contact: South Avondale School at (513) 363-5500.
The South Avondale Band plays for a variety of school functions. Under the direction of Mr. Terry Twitty, the band practices multiple sessions each week and performs at various school and community events.
Contact: Mr. Twitty
South Avondale Choir learns and sings traditional and contemporary music. Under the direction of Mr. Todd O'Neal, the choir performs annually at Cincinnati Music Hall, Center for Closing the Health Gap Conference, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center community fair and multiple community events.
Contact: Mr. Todd O'Neal at (513) 363-5500.
Double Dutch
As an afterschool enrichment activity, students can participate in the double dutch, jump rope club. The goal of this club is to expose students to rigorous physical activity through working together as a cohesive team.
Contact: Ms. Marshall (513) 363-5500
Researchers from Children's Hospital engage in a weekly hands-on learning experience aimed at exposing students in grades 5th & 6th to different career paths available in the medical field. Students perform experiments in a lab setting that allow them to gain a higher level of awareness of the aspects of various medical professions.
Gaskins Science Foundation
Engineers from The Gaskins Foundation engage students in STEM-based lessons aimed at increasing the level of interest in engineering in elementary students. Volunteers work in conjunction with school staff to improve critical thinking skills through project-based learning in a classroom setting.